Thursday, March 1, 2012

It took me .02837 seconds to write this blog post.

Have you ever had a point in your life where it seems like time is moving spectacularly fast? I'm not talking about the fast pace that adulthood seems to take the minute you turn 20. I'm talking about when you're so busy that a month can go by and it feels like it hasn't even been a week.

My grandmother called me the other day and said that it had been a long while since we'd talked. She lives a few states away. She knows I try to make a point to talk to her at least every month, if not more. "Really?" I said because it didn't seem like it had been that long since I'd called her. It wasn't intentional and I'm glad (unlike a few others I won't name) that she understood and doesn't think it's some evil ploy to dismiss her from my life.

I have quite a bit going on in my life; two small children, a husband, lots of work, and a full load at school. This past weekend has been the first weekend in a few months where I've actually been able to breathe and I don't know when I'll get that chance again.

In the meantime, to my friends and family; I apologize if I don't call or see you as often as I should. I still love you very much. I hope you understand that it isn't underhanded or reflects on you in any way. (As a friendly reminder, the phone and roads go both ways!)

And to everyone else, if you have friends or family you haven't connected with in a while, try to give them the benefit of a doubt. If they have a career, school, or small children (lions and tigers and bears!), or all of the above, their sense of time is faster than the normal world. I know. Mine is on fast forward right now. It would probably make their day for you to just call, even if it's just to leave a message of well wishes and love.

Peace, love, and understanding,


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