Monday, November 21, 2011

"The Hand" by Pamela Caves - Excerpt

 You can purchase The Hand on Smashwords (several formats available), Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or search for it on your favorite site!

Cicely has been experiencing strange pulls and tugs at her temporary home where she is staying while taking radiation treatments for breast cancer.
From - The Hand 
I spent the night at home Sunday and made the three hour drive back to my temporary home Monday morning. I stopped by the house for a stretch to unload my overnight bag and refrigerate some leftovers that would feed me for the next week.
As I turned from the fridge, I felt something-- someone-- grab me around the wrist. It was a solid feeling that jarred my senses, as much as if I’d been electrocuted. I looked down at my wrist and a hand was wrapped around it.
A hand.
Its knuckles were white as it clasped around my wrist, as if it didn’t want to let go. I screamed and thrust myself backwards in an attempt to free myself.
Within seconds, it simply dissipated.
I’m sorry, Mrs. Chase. I just don’t see anything that indicates the cancer has metastasized.”
I stared at my doctor dumbfounded. It hadn’t escaped me that he was apologizing for my cancer not spreading. Sure it was great news… only now it meant that I had no scientific reason behind my experiences. “No brain tumor?”
He shook his head with a half smile dancing on his face. “None at all.”


You can purchase The Hand on Smashwords (several formats available), Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or search for it on your favorite site!

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